Monday, September 12, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Viva Riva!

First of all I'd like to start off by saying I wish someone would've warned a sister!!! Or a maybe a sister should have a read a review or two before watching the movie... Its um... graphic, really graphic!

Viva Riva is a story about a guy (Riva) who hijacks a truck full of gas and goes back to his hometown (Kinshasa) where there is a shortage of gas. He falls for a local thug's woman and chases her around town meanwhile half of the town is looking for him trying to get the gas. It does not end well.

I loved how raw the film was in terms of the medium and everything else actually. The cast was natural, everything about the film felt and looked real. The locations were beautifully portrayed. It was like a proper journey through the streets of Kinshasa. I was liked how the thriller element of the film was added with  the drums as opposed to the usual sounds. I was properly thrilled, kept going "tjowee" every 5minutes. Most of the scenes were cleverly shot in terms of the selection and angles. Another thing I appreciated about the film were the unexpected twists in the story. It's a simple story but the director found an unconventional way of telling it. Themes: Money, sex, greed, power (I think).

The movie was cool and all but I wont be going Kinshasa anytime soon, those streets look real rough! Check the trailer out (below) and please do go and watch the film? It hits South African theaters soon

Shout out to the First Wednesday Film Club for screening yet another interesting film.